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Re: FnP Push

Dear Rhiners,

You make me laugh.  I enjoy reading about the lives of you more east coast 
placed folk.  I am as far west as I can be without tipping off into the sea 
(though someone living in China might have reason to call me 
American-centric) here in lovely Southern California. My wife and I are 
looking forward to an Otr show on April 12? at The Knitting Factory here in 
the lovely Los Angeles area.

Anyways...I enjoy everyone's rants and bantering...ahhh... the eternal 
struggle and issue concerning the "ccm"-ness of Otr.

>>Sorry, no way OTR is a Christian band.

I am a musician, and I am a Christian...  (Isn't that how every lame excuse 
or attempt at one begins...)  I have been through this debate wringer more 
times than I would ever choose to foist on anyone, but I just can't sit by 
idly while nimble fingers are typing.

u2.  Christian or not?  Does content make it Christian?  Can we label 
anything truly "secular" and "Christian"?  Are all things sacred to s/he who 
makes them sacred? Some great composers (classical) are now considered 
"holy" or "sacred" and yet the lives of some of these composers was nothing 
short of outright hedonism.

There are some bands who claim Christian background that I would just as 
soon do without (rumor had it that Creed...<shiver with disgust> was a 
member of the fold).  And there are many bands that would sooner take the 
"Christian band" label than take a Triple SSS brand.  Bruce Cockburn, u2, 
mxpx, etc.  I know there are many more convincing and talented artists that 
are Christians, but what is the point of "outing" them?  Do Christians need 
big name stars to legitimize their faith?  If we have more movie stars and 
rock stars we can justify being a Chrisitan to our friends?  See, look, I'm 
cool because <fill in name of big Christian celebrity here> is also a 

It's a slippery slope, my friends.  And I am most definitely rambling.  Ok.  
Is this a useless debate or is it important?  I don't know.  It's always 
intriguing to me...

Thanks for allowing a ramble.  I do enjoy reading you all...perhaps someday 
Joy and I will get out to the great East side and take in a show and a drink 

Until we have faces,


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