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Re: otr in denver

on 3/13/01 8:30 PM, Christy Lee at cnzf777 at hotmail_com wrote:

> anyone else a rhinelander in colorado?  going to see the boulder or denver
> show?  i'm so excited i can barely stand it!  i have a 3 month old, so i
> called to see if they allowed "infants" at the show.  the guy who answered
> said, "sometimes, it depends if we like it or not, but we don't sell it
> here."  i said, "WHAT?  i mean BABIES!"  he thought i was talking about
> "incense"!!!  only in boulder!
> christy

:)>  Hey... I'm probably going to both shows. I'm still pinching myself over
the fact that they're playing out here as well. Been waiting for about 8
years for such an event. And it makes probably not being able to make
Cornerstone (again) a little less bitter.

peace, hope, love, jesus christ - layne
...when I was a boy I saw things no one else could see, so why am I so blind
at 31 to the hope that's all around me filling up this room...    - Mineral

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