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Re: FnP Push

--- Steve Guiles <sguiles at hotmail_com> wrote:
(rumor had it that Creed...<shiver
> with disgust> was a 
> member of the fold

Which reminds me of another good point.  I see this
all the time:
Christians do love to find folks in the mainstream
world who are Christian.  Why?  I think it doesn't
have to do so much with ligitimizing their
Christianity as it does ligitimizing their choice of
what they will watch, hear, buy, etc.  
See, some of us were brought up to believe that rock
and roll was evil, was of the devil.  Others are
taught that rock and roll in itself is not so bad, as
long as it is "Christian" rock.  Well if said person
can offer proof that Creed or whoever are Christians,
whammo! - they get to listen to what all their cool
pagan friends are listening to, and Mamma and Preacher
Bob won't mind.
(Funny thing is, although Scott Stapp was raised in a
very fundamentalist Christian home and his music has a
lot of Christian imagery, he left the "fold" as a
teenager and - as far as I can tell - instead of
coming back to any form of Christianity, he has
basically been camping out in some sort of nebulous,
searching spirituality.  Myself, I think that's fine. 
The guy is searching.  Whoever searches will find.)

Just a thought...


"The pleasure of obedience is pretty thin compared to the pleasure of hearing a rotten tomato hit someone in the rear end."     --  Garrison Keillor

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