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Re: Re: Call for a re-vote.

In regard to the revote...

Here's the problem I see with it, Ysobelle.  As the vote stands - with
problems all over the place in the electoral process, granted - Bush
won.  It's fairly apparent that the vote was _very_ close.  The thing is,
a revote means Gore will win.  Hands down.  Enough Naderites from that
county are going to change their votes to make that inevitable, even if
they find a way to only have those who voted before vote again.  If given
a very apparent choice between Bush and Gore, a progressive liberal will
vote Gore every damn time.  Even with half of those Nader Raiders voting,
that still puts Gore over the top.  It is impossible to precisely recreate
that moment in time, and the inevitable conclusion to it will mean that
Gore wins.

That's gonna stink to a lot fo people.  People who were merely
dissatisfied with the way that the election was done in Florida will be
replaced with Republicans _screaming_ foul.

And you know?  They might just be right.


O Drew Johnson - djohnson at snowplow_org - Ld Robert Bartholomew, Midrealm   )
O ^ ^          Tying shoelaces to other shoelaces since 2000               X
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