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Re: FW: Good flicks?

Ummm, okay, I've been trying tothink about the best way of replying to
this thread.

Please, before I start, I'm not trying to offend anyone's beliefs.  I'm
just stating how I feel about the whole "love/life/holiness" question in

	As soon as people start talking about an artistic medium in this way I
feel revulsion.  I think that art is a reflection of the soul.  The soul
is not always a bright and happy thing.  And, in this world at least, the
urges of it aren't always condusive to "holiness".  Art provides a mirror
to look at those urges, "good"  or "bad".  It abstracts them from our
selves so that we can look at them a little more clearly.  The dark
images, I think, help more often then those "holiness - affirming" ones
do.  I don't struggle  with the bright happy side of myself, I struggle
with the dark corners, the not so pretty side of myself.  There fore I
find the things that reflect that side and its urges infinately more
	I thought about getting into this when the tori thread was bouncing
around.  How dare anyone presum to know what's going on in someone elses
soul, especially someone whom they haven't met, and then declare
PUBLICALLY that they were "praying for here salvation" or whatever.  I
was very offended by that.  Yes, she walks a line between light and dark.
Who doesn't?  I think that maybe she is just a little more honest about
it, by not hiding it away and pretending that it doesn't exist.

And that ladies and gents, was yet another soap box by Jen.     
they say I'm walking on freedom.
this is freedom?
now i know.
    -patty griffin

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