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Re: gee, thanks....

>i'm sure you're ass is beautiful adrian...

it in fact is :)

>you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

how does one fearfully make anything?  is it something like chemical 
weapons?  you wanted to make something to kill the gypsy moth and,viola, you 
got sarin gas on your hands...

>i could list some of the more beautiful things that are true about 
>but it doesn't matter.

you are right, it doesn't matter, beauty, happiness and contentment are 
transient, but pain, hatred and evil last forever.

>adrian you sound as hard as a rock.

do i really?  that's news to me.  but that can be taken in so many different 

>remember that
>that is because you choose what you see, how you interpret this life, not
>because god, or people aren't doing beautiful things.

who said anything about god?  i don't think you want me to get on that 
soapbox.  and i am quite aware of how i see things and they damn well better 
be how i choose to see it.

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