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Re: Re: Last Night

In a message dated 12/12/99 10:06:29 PM, debflinch at excite_com wrote:

>Nikki it was so nice to finally meet you and I am glad that you were feeling
>well enough to make it to the show and I wish I would have had more time to
>talk to you. 

Oh, same here!

Man, I saw SO many people I really, really wanted to get to know better. I 
KNOW I missed the Neds-Foxes AGAIN. I also know the next time I see the 
lovely Debbie and the lovely Amy Joy, I'm going to mix you two up. Just smack 
me on the head until I get the right names. I wish we could have been there 
for the brunch, but we didn't get back to my cousin's lovely, warm house 
until nearly four, at which point the thought of getting up at eight to 
return to Cinci just made us all shudder. We really, really need to start 
planning that Rhinelander's Ball again. Raven, what do you think?

And by the way, I'm so happy to see you. It's nice to know the sister I never 
knew I had is doing well. I want that dress, though. I might have to kill you 
for it. But I'll still love you.

I KNEW it was Drew shouting for Terri. Your timing is perfect-- Karin had 
just explained to all and sundry how they recorded the DNOTY version of 
"Silent Night," and how it was Terri's first real exposure on CD. Cue Drew. 
Karin stopped dead, and remarked, "And ever since, we have a guy at every 
show yelling that." I turned to bink and sighed, "The spirit of jg has been 
invoked. All's well with the world."

The item Cow Guy gave Karin was a photograph, which she certainly seemed to 
find amusing. No, I don't know what it showed. I thought for a moment he was 
actually going to climb right up onto the stage-- he marched quite solidly 
down the aisle calling, "Excuse me, Karin! Karin!" I saw him later sitting a 
few rows back, nodding happily, waving his hooves.

Karin told us she'd dressed up since her mother and best friend had come for 
the show. During "My Love Is A Fever," she got into the song in a way I'm 
rather thinking I wouldn't want MY mother to see. She also explained how she 
and Linford used to work together as a lounge act in a hotel, upon which they 
proceeded to do a slightly Christmasified "Little Girl Blue." Karin the Torch 
Singer. I was rather impressed.

Toast: yes, I brought it up. But I didn't do it, see? Just like I promised!

Jack absolutely went to town on the solo for "June." He wailed on his pedal 
steel and made that thing snarl. Go, Jack, GO! Do it for Mallory!

bink: you _were_ warm enough, right, baby? I'd hate to think I'd been remiss.

General note: if you walk into a Pizzeria Uno at midnight and there's a very 
angry, incoherent woman screaming at the staff, get out of her way. And there 
is nothing quite as funny as walking in to inquire about food and think 
you're alone save a single companion, only to turn and find twenty hungry, 
pathetic, moon-eyed, very sad looking Lostees have quietly followed you like 
wayward sheep. I was speaking to the manager when he looked past me in shock 
and exclaimed, "Where'd all these people come from?" I turned around and 
couldn't stop laughing-- I almost expected to see someone creep forward and 
plead, "Please, Sir, can we have some more?" I shall treasure that giggle for 
a long, long time.

Second general note: if you're very, very nice to your lovely waitress, and 
take pity on her because you know you've just dumped twenty people on her at 
the very end of her shift, she might be very sweet and forget to charge you 
for your sodas. If this happens, tip VERY WELL.

I really didn't expect my discourse on the late 17th century Massacre of 
Glencoe to become a lecture for our end of the table. I really just meant to 
finish a thought I'd had for bink-- something about a kilt, I guess. Don't 
quote me on any of it. I'm probably wrong.

Christopher-- I love you, man. Baby, you can ALWAYS drive my car. Hope we 
weren't too much of a Wicked Triumvir for you.

I'm hoping our dear friend Jamie comes to many more OtR gigs. She certainly 
seemed to enjoy meeting all of you!

I'm rather bothered-- no pun intended-- that I didn't get to hear "Moth" or 
"Anyway" or "The Needle and the Bruise" or "It's Never Quite...." Linford 
introduced the concert by explaining they wanted to do just some of their 
favourites-- I'd think the jazzy new stuff would count. Perhaps it's 
something to do with the new album. Some enterprising fellow called out, 
"When's the new album coming?" Though we didn't get a very clear answer, the 
impression seems to be wait a few months and find out.

I've never seen Linford more chipper. At one point, he leapt from his piano, 
dodged around his monitors, bounded to the edge of the stage and, grabbing 
the side of a giant speaker, peered eagerly into the audience for a moment 
before nodding in great satisfaction and reversing the process, announcing, 
once he returned to his mic, that he'd just wanted to get a good look at us 
all. Karin regarded him a moment and said, "Usually I see the quiet and 
introspective side of him-- you guys are getting to see the clown!" The 
Linford we never knew. He's shaved off his beard and moustache, too. After 
last night, I think he's regressing. And it's not a bad thing.

Dave LaBruyere is yummy. Very yummy. I just had to point that out.

Toast, you're not the only one who didn't quite fit into those seats. Folding 
chairs are not a comfy thing upon which to spend several hours.

According to Hazel, Leo Kottke didn't bring any of his CDs to sell. I am not 
amused. Hazel is still a wonderful human.

Lara, I have your poster. Hope work isn't too horrendous.

And to everyone who offered me advice on how to treat my poor throat, bless 
you. The emails and solicitous queries last night were truly better than any 
medicine. I'm feeling much, much better, and my throat is almost entirely 
fine now. I got a huge giggle out of having a lurking Lostee-- who knows who 
she is and will now be dragged kicking and screaming into the light-- wonder 
aloud about the fate of that poor soul whose throat was swelling shut. I am 
very glad I was able to be there myself to assure those present of my 
continued existence.

Final thought-- until I get up tomorrow and type up another novel: having 
spent the evening in the company of OtR and Lostees, I would be hard-pressed 
to say which party rocks more, and I am glad not to have to make any such 

And remember, kids: there is NOT always room for Jell-o.
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