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Re: symposium show comments

Chris wonders:
jg, have you ever *been* in a Turkish prison, or is this just from
watching _Midnight Express_ a few times too many?

never been in  a  prison, turkish or otherwise,  and never saw __midnight
express__ even once.   that was just me,  making a smart - ass comment.
sorry to offend the ex-cons out there.


from other postings:
Joe Berquist  and Leah Davis  said  (I'm paraphrasing):
"i was there!"   (at the Symposium gig).

hey,  cool,  two quiet losties  were also there.   damn,  shoulda worn my
little lostie name-tag.   rats!
wel, i prolly saw you briefly in the dim blacklight of the "symposium" sign
over the beer 'fridge.   nice to almost meet you.

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