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symposium show comments

It was a long dark night...... My friend Stan wrecked his car en route 
to the show.  Not too much damage, though, and he met a cute 'gal.  
Jen got stepped on and we all just wanted to sit down!  Beer was 
guzzled (not by us) and spilled.  Damned annoying loud people kept 
talking.....but......but..........it was still glorious.  I was there with my 
friends, DM and Jen and Heather and Stan and 'Zon.....and 
Bradford J.  As I leaned back into the arms of my Loved One, I 
could tune out all the noise and be transported to a land of pure 
sound, and happiness, and beauty, and light.......and I was happy.  
I'd give anything to be able to make the Taft show, where everyone 
will be paying attention to the band.  Looks like it just isn't going to 
happen.  I guess I'll have to be satisfied with the preview.  Jeff Byrd 
rocks.  Karin's hair was, well, weird (wrong color, 'hon.  Hey, don't 
feel bad, we've all done stupid things to our hair.)  That's about all.  
PS -  jg- I'm still here.  Digest sucks!   It was good to see you and 
db and Bonny and Andy.  Take care all listees (esp. lucky  Lindsey 
Renee and Edward Jay - Congrats!)   with love, -Alyssa
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