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Re: Kyle's rants

Well, I guess I'm a "newbie" to the list.  I've only been on it for a couple 
of months and I've never posted.  I was moved to post after the whole 
discussion of "Kyle's" postings.

Kyle, I don't know who you are and I don't care how superior you think you 
are to everyone else.  I came to this list looking for intelligent, 
thoughtful, soul-full discussions about art, music, life, beauty and 
circumstance.  I don't have time or patience for your spewage.  I find you to 
be about as enlightened as a toddler who's learned some toilet language and 
insists on chanting it over and over again at the dinner table.  Utterly 
annoying, inappropriate, and lacking any mature thought.

I'm sure that you are very pleased to have every other conversation come to a 
grinding halt and focus on you.  I hope that you can muster some shred of 
maturity and start an intelligent discussion of _anything_.  So far, I see no 
substance to anything you spew.

It is my hope that this list will refocus and have something worthwhile to 
add to the universe.

