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Re: Tori/Alanis question.

>>Who will be remembered in 20 years as the better artist?  Why?
>She is unique.  Not just what she sings about either.  Her pharasing is
>one of a kind.  Her lyrics are...well...intriguing.  She uses phrases
>like "very tumultuous time" and "sexy treadmill capitalist" for Pete's
>sake.  She is one of the few truly original artists of the past couple

While I have both of her albums and enjoy them, I don't think she's all
that.  Most of her stuff on _Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie_ is quite
pretentious lyrcially, IMO.  It's interesting stuff, but it's almost like
Alanis tries to hard to be "artsy" sounding... Let's see if she sticks
around for a decade like Tori has...

>As for Tori...Yeah, she's a good pianist and all, but she's basically a
>bitter woman who seems to play the same note over and over and usually
>only sings against things.
>Just an opinion or two...

Tori's not really bitter.  She's a nut-case (very kooky), but she's not
really bitter- anymore, at least.  And as for playing the same note over
and over again- whatever.  She's actually pretty brilliant.  She was a
child prodigy, rebellious at music school, learned to play by ear on her
own, yadda yadda... and her voice is amazing... Her variety of songs on
_Boys for Pele_ or _Little Earthquakes_ make them my two favs of hers.

But of course, I am extremely biased.  35 Tori CDs vs. 2 Alanis CDs in my
collection sort of skews it... :)

It's nice to see other opinions- but my guess is Tori will probably be
around in 10 years, and I can't say that for sure with Alanis.


NP: Holly McNarland - Stuff

+- Dan Temmesfeld      Galactic Cowboys on the Web -+
    dantemm at erinet_com     http://www.dlm.net/gc/
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   I want to navigate out of this lukewarm sea... 
+-      Caedmon's Call "My Calm//Your Storm"       -+