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Re: My first listie experience

>..Aaron Barker- I never ended up seeing you...Were you
>there but in hiding?  Hopefully we can meet next time, I looked for
>the Alan Parsons shirt...

Sorry Sarah (and to anyone else who might've been looking for me).  I
was there, but due to a late start from Indy, the APP shirt did not get packed.
You might've seen me, I had on a hunter green t-shirt with 'Mercedes Benz'
on the back and left chest.  Jennifer and I arrived mid-way through Niki B's
set.  She's no Jane Siberry, but a fine opener never-the-less.    ;-)
We quickly snagged a pair of Bass Ales and settled into uncomfortable
plastic chairs just to the left of the stairway leading up from the left rear
of the floor.

It was a little weird watching everyone milling around while thinking 'Do I know
that person?  Do they know me?'  Kind of a slight Orwellian paranoia seeing
so many that I surely know, but not being able to recognize anybody.

We loved the show.  I especially liked Karin's lead on 'Jacks Valentine'.
Previously, that song annoyed me with Linford singing/speaking the vocals.
The sultriness of Karin's voice worked well with the songs slow and sensual
rythym, I hope she performs it more from now on.

I'm now the 3rd generation of my family to grace Moonlight Gardens.  My
Grandparents and my Mother had been there many times for dances and
shows, I've now kept the tradition alive.

Did anyone notice the small fireworks show coming from near the river?
From our seats we could see the occasional small burst of color and light
just over the trees, but could not tell just exactly what they were for.

it was good seeing everyone, but not quite so good not recognizing anyone.
i'll do better next time......

feeling like Keyser Sose....

np:  Run Lola Run - soundtrack
