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RE: Hi!

> >Ok,  did anyone else think this post sounded a bit too much
> like a personal
> >Ad?
> A personal ad would have also included physical
> characteristics and hobbies.

"ISO SWM who enjoys spankings, maple syrup, and Harley-Davidson exhaust
fumes. NO FREAKS!"

> We who know Kyle have an endless list of colorful adjectives
> to describe him.
> I believe irresistible is not on that list.  Chris...?

Some days.  I usually just call him 'bitch'.

> Might I add, Pseudo-intellectual babble is only allowed if it
> achieves the
> eloquence of the Emery,
> Howe and Paragin "social doppler theory."  Oh, what a
> wonderful theory that is.

Indeed, I can't believe I sparked you guys off for hours with the mention of
just three words.

> Oh, yeah... I'm not new to the list...I've just been lurking
> in the shadows.

Don't believe him, kids.   Dear listie pals, Casey is the guy who introduced
me to OTR way back in the day.

Chris Emery
chris.emery at ecoutlook_com

NP: The Cardigans _Gran Turismo_
