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Re: I may be clueless, but at least I'm eclectic

>whatever became of TPOH?   i loved that 1st album,  and thought the 2nd one
>made a better coaster than a cd.   didn't even know there was a 3rd.  did it
>suck hard?

TPOH's third, 'Downward Road' was another ample helping of power pop.
It was probably as good as 'One Sided Story' (TPOH #2) but was quickly
drowned out by the grunge-pop of Nirvana & co.  They've put out 2 more cds
since.  The fourth cd's title is something with "bone" in it, I can't quite
It's got a few more mellower songs than the previous releases including a fun
little ditty called 'Gretzky Rocks' (don't forget, they're Canadian).  Their
(that I know of) came out a couple years ago, "The Wonderful World of The
Pursuit of Happiness".  It's a collection of guitar-driven pop songs  that are
linked together with (approx.) 30 second riffs and progressions that were either
culled from other songs on the cd or made up on the fly.  That makes it kinda
difficult to listen to, but still an occasionally fun play, regardless.  The
was kinda fun, though.  The cd was made to look like a Japanese import complete
with Kanji and hiragana-scripted writings and the obligatory cute Japanese girl
on the cover.  Had me fooled until a closer inpsection and quick debriefing by
a friend who knows the band better'n I do.

The last two cds were released only in the Great White North only.

In  the early '90's, a couple of the original members left to form thier own
band, 'Universal Honey'.  They've since produced a couple cds very remenicient
of TPOH's first, "Love Junk".   Kinda like if Aimee Mann was the vocalist for
I've got 2 of thier cds and an ep, I don't know if there's anything else.

more info than you probably wanted......
