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Re: poetry slam

> I've heard bits and pieces about this poetry slam, and I want to know what
> it is.  It's sounds really interesting :)  How far does it extend?  The only
> places I heard mentioned were not in my part of the country.
> Thanks!-
> Marie

DM probably knows more than I do about this, but I'm procrastinating.
Poetry slam is a nationwide competition that includes teams from New York
and LA, Cleveland, and (HOPEFULLY... if we got our damn dues in... it's out
of my hands!) Pittsburgh.  This year the National slam is being held in

The point of a slam is to give more auditory poets a chance to get their
work out there.  King Missile's lead singer is a prior National Slam
Champion, if I remember what DM told me.  Slam poetry has a habbit of being
more in touch with the street than "traditional poetry."  Quite often the
poems just would not be the same on paper as they are aloud.

This is not the case for me personally, but Slam is not really my ellement
either, I just kind of fudge it.  I know when I'm out classed, I just don't
always pay  attention, dig?

In anycase, it's a cool thing, and it brings together many different styles
of poetic expression, and trys to say that one poet is better than another
by assigning numerical value to their performance.

There are qualifying rounds for each team (same places have one team, NYC
has many) winners of the qualifying rounds compete against eachother in the
"city" finals.  The people who win the finals are that regions team.  The
team then competes in the Grand Slam (which is a national competetion over
four days) against the other teams.

Hows that for an explanation?

Oh... btw... Hi Marie!!! :-)


"I have come to Earth to see UFO's."

Brian Gardner, "Twisted Quotes"
