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Re: (6/5/99) Cleveland OtR gig...

"D.M. Emigh" <coyote_laz at hotmail_com> sez:

>>Not I, probably.  I avoid Cleveland like the plague.
>>I've gotta a stay-out-of-Cleveland streak of almost 5 years.
>  How to approach this....
>Cleveland, though it is no nirvana (and hey the last place in ohio they 
>played was Akron) has quite imporved over the last several years... and 
>Peabody's is a great joint- it reminds my sister who spent many years in 
>Cincy of Bogarts.

Oh, boy.  Bogart's - another favorite place of mine.


>And the tribe is whomping everone's tuckus.

Tribe?  Are the natives restless?

Wait, a coworker just informed me this is some kind of sports reference.
How fun.

>My last trip to Columbus however, was 2 years ago (U2 Popmart tour) and I 
>still wasn't impressed. Though I am supposed to be doing a reading tour 
>through there in the fall.
>(but insomnia still ain't no Brady's- to quite the students from Col.)

Every time TMBG roar through town at the Newport, Flansburgh has to mention
how much he loves Insomnia.  3x through.  3x mentioned.   Hmm.

>Come on up to the house
>You know you want to
>Dr.Boogie gonna be there

Not a chance.
NP: Tori Amos - _Professional Widow_ (remix single)
cemery at columbus_rr.com - ICQ: 1388556
"I just made that up.  Sig me!" - Stacia
