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Re: Star Wars... It's not the hype

Dear Listies,

I know many of you have seen Stars and more than a few like it. I 
must dissent!

I must say I have very little desire to see "Phantom Menace," unless 
it be at home, where I can mock its (likely) stupidity. 

Of course, as a 7 year old, I thought Star Wars was pretty cool. If I 
didn't I would have been a dork, and that wasn't an option! 

However, after seeing the "Special Edition" version in 1997--dubbed 
into Spanish in Caracas--I must say I find it a total bore. Despite 
the 3D effects, the characters are 2 dimensional cliches, the plot is 
without the slightest surprise, and "the force" is void of any 
substance--like a Kool Aid sugar buzz.

I, for one, think special effects are terribly overrated, and lament 
the apetite for this stuff that Lucas, Spielberg, et al, have built 
into our culture.

So much that is wrong with Hollywood could be traced to "Star Wars:"

1.) Violence as computer enhanced spectacle.
2.) Obsession with the "blockbuster"
3.) Poor scripts, written to be fully understood by 10 year olds.
4.) Shallow characters that undergo no important development.

If you want to see a brilliant dissenter from the Star Wars hype, 
read film critic Jonathan Rosembaum's very insightful review of Star 


Mike McVey
