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Re: inhibitiion of tongues & chairs

l. godlove wrote:

first let me say Lynzi that your posts (in this manner) delight me and
never cease to amaze me. you express something in a way that a person can
picture. can breath. what you are saying. I could feel the emotions that
you wrote. I smiled when you said they smiled. I can't express really what
I Am trying to say, so I suppose I should quit trying. anyway, basically
it's a thanks. cause it allowed me to be at that breakfast though the miles
did not allow.

> consumer.  the joy of it being:  you offer money, the
> world gives you what you theoretically want...

most of the time it works that way anyway!

>  I am rather fond of food.
>  did I mention I like food?
>  almost as much as I like books
>  and coffee
>  and sharp coloured pencils
>  and listies...

I feel the same. except for the coffee (don't be shocked) I just have never
gathered a taste for it. in fact, I have used it to keep me awake driving
by telling myself I would have to drink it if I started nodding off. ;-)
that's one of my few flaws I suppose people. another being (as Jessyka
knows now) that I am allergic to alcolhol, so when I get to meet you all I
have no stepped out and said "don't buy me an alcoholic drink!" ;-) I now
feel a little exposed. well, I might regret this post? ;-)

>  hmm.
> just when your mouth is stuffed full of breakfast,
>      your hero arrives.

seems to always be the pattern. don't you hate that?!

>  "may I join you?"  he asks, indicating to the fourth
>  chair.  I toss my sketchpad from the seat to the
>  floor and nod and murmer.

LOL. I wonder what the expression would have been if you would have had the
guts to tease a bit and say "nope, sorry" ;-) oh, I have an evil mind
sometimes. and of course, I wouldn't have the guts...

> they both seemed disapointed at the presence of three.
> they so much wanted more of you guys there.

oh and how I would have loved to be. but the miles wouldn't allow it. one
of these days. one of these days. of course, bink? I still think it would
be really cool if they opened for you when you play for me!

>  of course, I said none of these things, not really.
>  of course, I can scarcely remember what was said.
>  of course, I tripped over words and chairs in my
>      efforts to convey.

it's a strange thing isn't it? we tend to stop being able to express if we
are around those we respect. I wonder why that is? perhaps it's becuase we
want to listen? perhaps it's becuase suddenly none of the things you wanted
to say really seem important? I don't know. it's puzzled me for years.

again, lynzi, thanks. if they didn't read it in your eyes I hope that (oh I
hope I don't screw up her name) Stacie (a few names are running through my
head. oh well, and for some reason I don't think this one is right...) gets
a copy and shows it to them. I think they would enjoy it.

