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Re: Kent Lostees, My Love Is A Fever, and Pool.

JG, of the glistening feet sayeth:

> and now i am to blame for mark wanting to boost his GPA!.

Well, there could be worse things...  :)

> Don't skip it,  and it's likely there's SO MUCH more to this story than what
> i was able to glean from Brian in 5 minutes,  right

Don't feel bad, but I am skipping it.  It's not you. I just HATE that
Brian is leaving.  I wouldn't enjoy it.  Maybe I can just get the tape
from Chris.  It can be one more of those boots that I cherish.  

> don't skip it on my account.  i'd feel shitty if you
> did. 

Don't.  I'm actually GLAD you told me (us).  If I had gone and found out
there, not only would I have been majorly depressed, but pissed--maybe
even felt a little used.  

> -who cares about a slapped down coupla tracks of Linford
> >playing?
> ~you~ will later, that's who.

I know you're right.  I will definitely get both of these thru the
mail.  I just can't right now.

> Linford and Karin moved into an old Victorian house in some Cincy
> neighborhood,  that's not some old clapped out beater they drive their gear
> around in,  and now they have some Costello CD's.   i have no problem with
> that.  neither should you.

Once again, you're right.  And I don't.  When I found out last year that
they were moving, I was happy for them--still am. They deserve it.  And
I'm not bitter about the CD collection.  If anything it's my anger
talking.  Sometimes you just speak off the cuff, ya know?

> another thought:  maybe they're just bored!  maybe they're just sick of
> doing the same stuff and they want to go in another direction.  but, then ,
> another part of me says,  "if they're sick of doing the same stuff, they can
> draw from all the material that we never hear from anymore.  who wouldn't
> dig hearing Jack wail through  __daddy untwisted__  or __sleep baby jane__
> or anything off the hardly dipped into __eve__album?   they've got plenty to
> choose from.

See, here's  my theory.  I saw this coming.  I tried to bury it, but it
came anyway.  Remember back last year, or early this year when they left
Brian at home?  Jan spoke up and said: "Hey, you just don't leave your
drummer at home!"  Well the thought crossed my mind then--I buried it. 
Even during the three shows in april it was there.  Karin said: "We saw
Elvis costello perform as a two piece and thought that was about the
ballsiest thing you could do--we wanted to try something like that."  I
said, yeah Karin, you're not cutting back, your just being ballsy.  I
have no problems with that--just let me know when the rest of the band
comes back"  Well--they're not.  You can only go so long without your
drummer and he has to move on.  I mean Brian has Mallory, and whatever
the cat's name is...I mean the list raised money for his vet bill.  Does
anyone know if he does any other work?  Does anyone know how good a job
Mallory has?  I mean this had to happen with the way things were going. 
A guy just can't sit around and wait for his bandmates to decide "yes we
are officially out of our "ballsy" stage now--come on back on the

I do not blame Brian for leaving--and maybe this couldn't be helped.  I
just hate it that it did happen.  The music is just not going to sound
the same anymore.  Brian was a HUGE part of the band.  You just can't go
out on every street corner and find *original* talent like he has.  You
just can't. 

So, it's ony my selfishness that wants him to stay.  I have no idea of
the "why's".  I'm just really gonna miss him.


> i don't know.  about all i know now is that maybe i shoulda kept my big
> mouth closed.

Not even!  It's your duty to inform us of these things you find out. 
You're part of the hivemind remember?


