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Re: Aaaack!

(listen to yourself churn)

--- jg900 <jg900 at bright_net> wrote:

He said that April 30 is to be his last
> show with Over The Rhine.


and i won't be able to make it for the show on the 30th, either. and if
Brian's not going to be playing after this, is it going to be worth
seeing them at Schuba's?

> He said that he got a phone call from Linford,  and
> Linford said that after
> 10 years he thought we needed something new,  and
> that that was enough, da
> da da da da da. 

maybe this can be added to why i might be falling 'out of love' with
the band a little. at this point, if half of the band won't really
exist anymore in its truest and most powerful form, maybe Linford
should go for the commercialism of a big label. half the workers of the
small vegitable cart are laid off. another less friendly merchant to
share conversation with over crates of apples, pears, and oranges....
one less reason to go out of my way to a little stand if it's becoming
too impersonal. i can get apples at a supermart if i want impersonal...

maybe they could just change the name to 'rhine.' or 'over.'

i guess it hits me a little because i've been in the same situation of
being 'let go' from a band. creative differences, which were fine by me
in the long run, because on my part i was not allowed to truly *be*
creative. but i can't imagine another drummer than Brian.....

oh, well.

so do you think 'ameteur shortwave radio' will be the last attempt to
satisfy the dedicated rhinelanders? (or should it be 'overlanders?')
i'm just glad i got to see OtR when the original lineup was still
intact. now if L&K make it big, i'll be able to say i knew them when
they were in a good band....

does this mean that Jack has a limited lifespan with them, too? forgive
my sarcasm, but this doesn't make me happy. or maybe it's that i've
seen this comming in the back of my mind but didn't want to admit it
until i couldn't help but see it....

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