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OTR lyric booklets....

Greetings from a new Rhinelander....
I just received the rest of my Rhinelander intro package, and am right 
now listening to Besides.
After listening to Eve, Patience, Faces, Darkest Night, GDBD, I like 
GDBD best, so far....  But I will have to listen to all of these over 
and again to discover how each speaks to me.
I've been on other lists before where I found the conversations quickly 
moving into areas other than that central to the list.  I have gotten 
into some of those discussions, but I find I don't keep my bearings well 
when I do.  So here I'll stick to discussing OTR.  If I decide to 
discuss something else, I'll try to keep it one-on-one via direct email.
I missed the Sunday night (March 21) concert in Dayton.  Bummed me out, 
because I haven't seen OTR live yet, and since I'm less than 2 hours 
away.  Maybe I'll get to a cozy gig in Cincy.  Who out there is in 
Cincinnati?  I miss that town.
In closing, can anyone help me round up lyric booklets, or very fine 
copies of them, for the 3 CDs: EVE, PATIENCE, TIL WE HAVE FACES?  I feel 
that my Rhinelander experience is incomplete without the lyrics/credits 
If you can help, or you post a response to this message, would you 
please Cc a copy to my email directly (because I get the digest and 
don't know when I'll read the posts again)?
rev       pob7patmos at hotmail_com
p.s., and if I ever forget to delete the previous digest from the end of 
my reply, please forgive me.

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