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Re: in pews, in the dark AND True Statements... AND change of perspective

I can't believe how strange I feel when I read these reviews and perspectives
(which amount to pure poetry) of the shows this weekend.  I think I feel
jealous  My heart aches to have had the experiences you all did.  It almost
feels like I've been there.  Almost.  But I have no memories to call upon, no
music filling my thoughts.  No sounds and smells to help me remember the
experience after I walk away from the computer.  I feel empty and deprived and

In my sadness, I also feel a little anger that I wasn't there.  That I didn't
make a point of being at That show.  With you listees.  So, spurred by my
anger, I wrote a letter to my best friend who introduced me to OtR (who has
been to several/ many of their shows while at Wheaton) and told him that:
<quote> Some fine day in the not-too-distant future, you and I are traveling
whatever-distance-is-required-of-us to go to an authentic Over the Rhine
concert in a small, dark venue like a tavern, crammed with fellow Linford-and-
Karin devotees and I am going to absorb their music and relish the sights and
enjoy being with you all at the same time.  I am not kidding.  You will have
to arrange your work schedule and we will fly there and we will stay wherever
we must, but I am sick with listening to all the touching reviews of the
achingly beautiful performances of some of the most beautiful music on earth
this past weekend in Ohio.  It is so unfair to live in this barren place.
You have been forewarned. <end quote>

jeanene, feeling rotten, but resolved