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Re: tangled and hypothetical...

In a message dated 12.3.1999 21:03:51 nycteris at excite_com writes:

<< so, let's keep the confusion going, shall we?
 and see who can conjure up the best roadtrippin' story....
 lynz. >>

well, ok.
i'm going to be driving from anderson, IN, to louisville, Ky on friday.  this
is where i'll meet my dear brother, justin, who is driving from Oklahoma City.
we will attend a friend's wedding in the afternoon on saturday, after which we
will book our white asses to dayton.  if, for some reason, my brother can't
make it, then i'll be traveling from louisville alone on sunday for that show
(and i'll be eternally pissed at justin for bailing on me).  
