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The Mission

> >  ever seen the movie "The Mission?"
> "The Mission" is easily one of my favorite films, and although it won the
> grand prize in Cannes the year it was released, I don't believe it got the
> praise it deserved here in the States.  The opening scene is one of the most
> powerful I've ever seen, and both Robert DeNiro and Jeremy Irons give solid
> performances.  I highly recommend it.
> Steve

A particularly progressive Sunday School teacher took my entire junior high
class to see this movie when it came out.  It made a big impression on me--
I think it was the first movie with an adult theme I'd ever seen.  Ennio
Morricone's score figured in my bassoon playing years -- all those double
reeds, and there's a "Climbing the Falls" bit where a bassoon does these
arpeggios up and down over strings...

This is a truly great movie.

