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where we live...

JLuvzMusyk at aol_com wrote:

> Actually, most of us haven't actually met.  We all don't necessarily live in
> the same region...we have people in New England, the mid-west, the south, the
> Pacific Coast, Texas...even overseas.

I am glad you started this conversation... stops me from having to! LOL

> Yes, for those of us in the PA-OH area it is easier to get together

And I *AM* jealous.

> Many of us get to know each other from posts made to the list, or personal
> messages taken off the list.  For instance, I know Amy somewhat well (I like
> to think),

I would like to think so as well dear! ;-)

> even though she lives in Romania

though I am not originally from Romania. I am from Texas for the newbies
information. ;-)

> have just e-mailed each other enough to have an idea of what is going on in
> the others lives (btw, Amy, I'll e-mail you back eventually!).

great, my mailbox was getting lonely...

> Then there are other people, like my StevieBoo in California, whom I have met
> in person, who actually introduced me to the band.

hmm. stevieboo. seems I have heard about him... ;-)

> Then there are those (JG, Yzzi, Binkers, etc) whom I have met through the list
> at concerts or other listie gatherings.

and I. Well, through the list... and all I communicate with light up my

> There are always opportunities to meet listies, old and new.  Some of us just
> have an easier time of it than others.

hey everyone. don't get discouraged. I posted awhile before I got an
outpouring of
relationships. but I wouldn't change that! Hang in there, respond and you
eventually develop relationships as well.

> As for you, dearie, jump into conversation,

that's the thing. you just have to jump in...

> *not quite as upset as before, but I'm still sick*

ooohhh. I am sorry.

