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RE: Topical Drift

umm...  in my opinion, old 10k is good.  newer 10k up until the MTV
unplugged is wonderful.  post-Natalie stuff is mediocre and... ohmygod, did
anyone see the pay-per-view special last Friday ("Disney's Rock & Rockets")?
without a doubt the worst televised concert(s) i've ever seen.  the new
10,000 Maniacs opened and they were pretty awful -- the new girl was off-key
quite a lot and her voice isn't interesting even when it is on.  most of the
rest of the bands sucked too...
Better Than Ezra had a totally boring set but right in the middle played the
opening riffs to Rush's "Limelight" and then "Spirit of the Radio", so it
wasn't a total loss.
everyone else was either uninteresting or remarkably bad or both.  *sigh*  i
can't imagine how upset i'd have been had i paid $22 to watch that.

np: "case of the fake people" -- TLC

> ----------
> From: 	Tndreamgal at aol_com[SMTP:Tndreamgal at aol_com]
> Sent: 	Thursday, February 25, 1999 8:13 PM
> To: 	Ron.Brickley at sdrc_com
> Subject: 	Re: Topical Drift
> Hey, are the 10000 maniacs good? Ive only heard like one of their songs,
> but I
> liked it a lot. . . . what do you recommend by them? This question is
> opened
> to any fans
> Debbie DeGeorge