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Re: Pop Band, Three Letters, Not OTR...

my little XTC story, in response to JNF's xtc posting.

once upon a time, i had __Skylarking_ and i really liked it.  (oh, listie
Jan, pay attention.  this is the reason i wrote you.  funny how it should
come up so soon and so unexpectedly).
Then one day i ran out of macaroni and cheese and had to sell some stuff to
buy more.
So, i decided to sell my __skylarking__ cd back to the used cd store.
soonafter, i really missed it.
eventually i had to buy it again.
could i find it used?   no  (it's too good).  so i  had to pay full price
twice,  and got 5 or 6 bucks for it.  __skylarking__ therefore cost about
$19 or 20 bucks.

well, anyway.  that's the little story.

