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Re: songwriters and geography trivia

In a message dated 98-12-30 22:49:58 EST, Kendrickjd at aol_com writes:

>  yeah, i agree with you there.

Thanks for conceding that I got at least one thing right.  ;)  Actually, in
all seriousness, I do want to thank you, Jan (and everyone else), for keeping
this discussion civil.  If I ever fail to do likewise, I sincerely apologize.
After I posted my initial comments on the subject, I expected to be faced with
responses that were substantially more vitriolic than they've been so far.  I
know this issue inflames the passions of all involved, but hopefully, through
continued civil discourse, we'll all be able to at least disagree agreeably
and peacefully.

>  i mean, there are plenty of
>  other sins (adultery, for example) mentioned in the bible that FOTF does
>  condone, but does not feel the need to picket or things like that.  and if
>  they did, i don't know that it would be too big of a problem because there 
> is not an already-present "adulteraphobic" climate out there.  
>  but for issues like homosexuality and abortion where it's already so
>  sensitive...

Are you seriously suggesting that an organization such as FOTF should not
speak out on sensitive issues?  If so, is this ban only to apply to those who
do not embrace homosexuality and abortion, or do you also believe that NOW,
NARAL, GLAAD, and the numerous other left-wing special interests should keep
quiet on these matters too?  If you think it should cut both ways, I'll
disagree with you, but at least you'd be consistent.  If you feel that only
the right-wing should be silenced, that would genuinely frighten me.  Let's be
frank here, the reason FOTF, NOW, etc., are always talking about these two
hotbutton subjects is precisely because of their sensitivity.  They all want
to influence public opinion and the political process.  Talking about adultery
or something along those lines isn't going to have the same effect.

>  it's fine for dobson to tell the world his views, but "if he's gonna come
>  around here and say those sort of things he's gotta take a few on the
>  chin...and wear his thickest skin..." (VOL)
>  >  Now, having said all that, can we at least take this discussion off-
>  I'
>  > m sure most other listies don't really care what either of us think about
>  > this matter.
>  according to the messages i have gotten publically and privately, a lot of
>  people care what we think about this issue.  i agree that its place is not 
> on
>  the otr list, but neither is talk of christianity, liquid beef, or other
>  assorted stuff that i have bitched about.  (it didn't stop then either!!!) 
> so
>  i figure, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em!  (which is why i have posted
>  to the list)
>  jan

LOL...   Touché.  On the list it shall be then, at least until everyone
changes their minds.
