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Re: songwriters and geography trivia

---Greg Smith <janweatherman at hotmail_com> wrote:

> The other thing that gets me about CCM music, is that it can only
> with certain themes....(edited for length) This kind of thing
happens all too often. I 
> used to not like most Christian music because it was (is) cheesy,
> certain fantastic exceptions. But now loathe it, because I'm finding 
> most of it to be a horrific lie.

i agree with you very much on this one. Much of Christian radio deals
with "safe and sappy" music, which is fine for the audiences who find
it enrichening, but after a while, there seems to be little relavence
to Christians who need to live in the real world...
> And for these reasons, my respect for bands like OtR grows, because
> seems to me that they follow their muse, and that's it.... (edited)

> Be true to yourself, or the whole things a lie.
> Man, did I climb on a big-ass soap box for this one...
> Greg

no, man, you're right here, too. i try to be as true to myself as i
can in my music. any "image" i convey externally hopefully is my own
and not the suggestion of a consultant.

you're right on the money here, Greg.

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