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Re: OTR and prostitutes (Christian content)

"What kind of
>church do you preach at?,"  and he answered, "The kind that throws a
>birthday party for a whore at 3AM in a diner."  And the owner of the 
>thinks a minute and says, "No you don't.  Because if there was a church
>like that, I'd go to it."

I would go to this church.


>From: "Joshua M. Neds-Fox" <jnedsfox at moody_edu>
>Subject: OTR and prostitutes (Christian content)
>To: over-the-rhine at actwin_com
>Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 10:19:04 CST
>Reply-To: "Joshua M. Neds-Fox" <jnedsfox at moody_edu>
>My wife was reading to me the other night about a minister who arranged 
>have a birthday party thrown in a diner for a prostitute who came in 
>night (he'd overheard her mention that the next day she turned 39).  
>was dumbfounded, because who just throws a birthday party for a 
>She didn't want to cut the cake, she just wanted to take it home with 
>to her apartment.  When the owner found out that this guy who asked him 
>throw the party was a Christian preacher, he asked him, "What kind of
>church do you preach at?,"  and he answered, "The kind that throws a
>birthday party for a whore at 3AM in a diner."  And the owner of the 
>thinks a minute and says, "No you don't.  Because if there was a church
>like that, I'd go to it."
>You know, it's really easy to fall into the trap as a Christian of 
>the sinner.  I think one of the foundational reasons that, in a
>Christian sense, I like OTR is that they are unwilling to exclude 
>from hearing what they have to say about life *and* about God.  They'd 
>us to hear it.
>Amy (I think) said:
>but much of the "Chrisitan"
>music in general seems to carry an air of condemnation toward anything 
>"non-Christian." i can't quite explain it, but it's there.
>I think it's becuase in general christians don't think God loves the 
>I mean they say they do but they would rather think God loves them and 
>world is going to hell.  IYKWIM and that is sad. we are called to 
>the world and christians don't love the world the way God does. very
>pharisitical (like that's a word!) or sadducetical? LOL

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