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URGENT info on Winter Tour 98

Linford called in today with this announcement:

OTR will be canceling the ENTIRE Winter 98 Tour. A major label is very
serious	 about the band recording more demos during the month of Dec. Label
reps are very interested in the band and want to do more with them. It is an
opportunity that they cannot pass up. It is a wonderful chance for them to be
listened to and hopefully signed, as well as recording new songs for next
year. The band apologizes profusely for this inconvenience and are excited by
this wonderful offer. 

There is some good news and a chance to see them play. They will be on CBS
This Morning on Dec 16th. OTR will play by themselves. Check local listing for

Again, the band regrets these cancellations and hope that you all understand.
As Linford puts it "Bon Courage"
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