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Re: Chris' Response

jg900 wrote:

> or be like those yukky contemporaries of mine who still have a
> constant appetite for Boston, Bad Co. Lynyrd Skynrd, et al,

Nothing wrong with a little Boston. Bad Company and Skynyrd, however... As far
as I'm concerned, Skynyrd only has joke value. i.e. "play some Skynyrd" and the

> i can't believe i just glossed over that when i read it yesterday, but it
> struck me at work today what you said.  Not that OtR is some kind of god to
> deify or blaspheme.  you may like or dislike anything you want.  it just
> seemed like a rather extreme position to take on our favourite.....oh, wait,
> i take it all back.  i just thought of R.E.M.  and how anything from
> (inclusive) Out of Time is kinda throw -away in my opinion.  ( Dearly
> Beloved, on the other hand finds the post-Out of Time albums to be her
> favourites.)    Well, still,  they aren't unlistenable,  and i'm not finding
> myself forced to eject 'em.   (just gimme __document_ or __dead letter
> office__ anytime).

For what it's worth, I think _Automatic for the People_ is one of the 5 or 6
best CDs this decade. "Nightswimming" and "Find the River" are genius.
Absolutely gorgeous. I don't, however, think _Out of Time_ is by any means
"throw-away". "Texarkana," "Half a World Away," and "Country Feedback" are
totally wonderful. So's "Low," for that matter. I usually put "Country
Feedback" on mix tapes I make people (it's on yours, Melissa, if you're still
tuned in to the list). I like the old stuff, too, though. _Document_ is
probalby my least favourite CD, though (save _Monster_, that is). I do love
_Lifes Rich Pageant_ and _Reckoning_, though. All in all, they're probably in
the top 2 or 3 bands, like, ever (with U2 and, of course, OtR. And probably the
Beatles). Just my $.02...
Peace, hope, love, Jesus Christ - Layner
...it meant the world to hold a bruising faith,
but now it's just a matter of grace...           - Smashing Pumpkins
