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(fwd) Altenative music (no OtR)

Forwarded by request.

On Fri, 09 Oct 1998 15:39:12 +0000, Jessyka Harper
<harperja at email_uc.edu> wrote:

>Chris...for some reason I can't send anything to the list.  Can you send
>this to the list for me, please?  Thanks!
>*hugz and kisses*
>Aubrey asked us....
>>Who agree's with me that there is no such thing as Alternative music?
>>there's pop (noise-pop, power-pop) and rock (hard rock, softrock, heavy
>>metal, punk rock, rockably (sp?)) where's alternative in all that? What is
>>Alternative? just something to think about anyway.
>Well, I think alternative used to mean the *rest* of the music....it was
>the music that wasn't really listened to by anyone in the mainstream.  WYEP
>in Pittsburgh (91.3 FM) used to play it frequently.  Then, alternative
>became the mainstream...so really there is no alternative.
>It's the same thing as non-conformists.  Body piercings and tattoos and
>wacky hair colors are supposed to promote someone's independence from
>society, yet the people who get these, in wanting to excommunicate
>themselves from the rest of society, have formed they're own society.  Yet,
>they consider themselves individuals.  *confused*  I think that the true
>individuals are those who feel free to conform to more than one type of
>society, and the true alternative music is comprised of bands and artists
>that the general public are not exposed to.  Does this sound like a
>realistic definition?
>Wow....not enough sleep really makes me come up with odd stuff...doesn't it?
>And as for the cherry tying knot thing....I used to be able to do it.  Then
>I pierced my tongue.  Something about the thin metal bar through it hinders
>it's ability.  But it does *not* hinder my kissing ability....as a couple
>of guys should be able attest to.  *wink*
>*hugz and kisses*

--NP: Grateful Dead (live) 11/07/71 @ SF, CA
ICQ #: 1388556  ***    AIM: ChrisEmery
There is no such thing as a personal problem which can not
  be solved by a suitable application of high explosives.
