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Re: attn lynzi godlove especially

Dancing on a volcano, "jg900" <jg900 at bright_net> said:

>It's in my furry little paws, now,  Lynzi.  (and they are furry,  too.  I just threw that in to hear our beloved Jessyka woof her cookies again!)

jg is exceptionally furry, hands not excluded.   I just thought I'd
throw in that verification.

>I tried to catch the owner in the store to ask how he was able to score the Eve,  and if he can score any more,  but he wasn't in today.  (If i owned a store,  i wouldn't be in on the weekend either.  Hell, if i owned a store,  i'd *never* be in it.  That's what managers get paid for!)

But half the fun is pointing people at little known bands/artists that
they would never buy normally...  like OTR or David Sylvian or Eno,

>no cracks, no blemishes, no drill holes,  no saw cuts.  just perfect!   (better than mine!)

Still talking about the CD here, jg?

>lynzi,  write me privately and we'll trade addresses.  (some of  the other listies can attest that i am *not*  a stalker, and in  fact sometimes it's fun that i know your address)

Fun isn't the word I'd use, jg.  ;-)   Note to people who send jg
their address, be sure that he will send you a package containing the
one thing you love very much, and can not possibly enjoy at the
present time.   

BTW, thanks again for the caramels, jg.  I've eaten them all now that
my jaw is healed.  ;-)

>and chris tells me i need to go get those el-cheapo Jeffery Gaines,  cause he picked up Fragile for a buck   (if i saw fragile for a buck, i'd buy it, too.    fragile's pretty cool.  Chris, I also saw a _best of_  Uriah Heep in the used pile.  Interested in some overly pretentious intelli-metal?)

How much?   Any of the Wetton-era stuff?

--NP: Genesis - _Trick Of The Tail_
ICQ #: 1388556  ***    AIM: ChrisEmery

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