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Re: attn lynzi godlove especially

On Sun, 28 Jun 1998 02:13:53 GMT cemery at iwaynet_net (Chris Emery) writes:

>>lynzi,  write me privately and we'll trade addresses.  (some of  the 
>other listies can attest that i am *not*  a stalker, and in  fact 
>sometimes it's fun that i know your address)
>Fun isn't the word I'd use, jg.  ;-)   Note to people who send jg
>their address, be sure that he will send you a package containing the
>one thing you love very much, and can not possibly enjoy at the
>present time.   
>BTW, thanks again for the caramels, jg.  I've eaten them all now that
>my jaw is healed.  ;-)

HEY!  JG!  Where's my caramels?  although i do still owe you that other
VotB.... oops!  and you think that being unemployed would allow me the
time.... ;{)}  i'll get it to ya by the sept. show!  if not AT the sept.
show!  or how about on a roller coaster? ;{)}  what's the latest on that
dream, anyway?  

oh, and lynz, anything you need to know, you can just ask ME! 

oh, if people only knew...



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