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Re: Fetch Me the Pongmaster!

Oh fer gawd's sake.  Does anyone really think if K&L were starting up the
band today that they would even consider an email list for inter-fan
communication vs. a forum?  I well understand the long-time Rhinelanders'
attachment to this list, but outside of the nostalgia factor, to say this
medium is superior in any way, shape or form to a modern, topic-based
bulletin board like the one Drew set up for OtR is just silly or perverse. 
It takes all of 5 seconds to go to a forum and see what's been posted since
the last time you were there.

Personally, I'm hoping K&L adopt Drew's forum and drop the list server, and
the sooner the better.  It's annoying going to two different places for
OtR-related commentary and having non-personal correspondence in my inbox
(and yes, I realize it's more akin to personal correspondence for some of
you who have been friends for years).  If that happens and anyone here
really does sulk and stay away from the forum, it seems to me they can't
really be *that* much of a fan.

Keith from NY

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