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RE: Christian Rock

On Thu, 4 Dec 2003, Rick Callender wrote:

> Off my soapbox and waiting for punches to fly,
> bink

But here's the thing, Bink.  This-here list is the just about the last
place that you (well, we) are preaching to anyone but the choir.  If
you're an OTR fan, you _know_ this or get what we're talking about on a
intuitive level...I mean, this is a band that has a tendency to do things
like tell Warner Brothers music people to go fuck off, or wear horrid,
worldly clothes.  And drink bourbon.

The question to us, I think, is not whether we should believe these
yutzes.  Of course not.  The question is, if you're a Christian, how do
you help other folks see the fallacy and the stupidity in those arguments?
And do it without acting all high-minded, and judging of _them_?

On a tangential note, I've been listening to Public Radio's _This American
Life_'s online archives (www.thislife.org).  The show is fabulous, and I
especially suggest a show in the archives called "Fiasco!", which should
have you spitting coffee out your nose after five minutes of the story of
the worst production of _Peter Pan_ ever.  The absolute coolest thing (to
me) is that they've noticed that there is this massive Christian
population across the nation.  And they find it interesting, and so they
completely forget to ignore it.  Instead, they try to make sense of it
for everyone else.  And they do a dang fine job.

-Drew J
(who also suggests listening to Episodes #236 (their take on the
economic recovery) and #247 (which ends with the story of Johnny and
Roseanne Cash falling in love)

Drew Johnson - djohnson@snowplow.org - Ld Robert Bartholomew, SCA   ^ ^
"You rock my small, self-centered world." -Diablo, goats.com       (_|_)

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