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Re: oh no...WHOA.

On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 17:46, DustyVolume wrote:
> The news is indeed sad, but not because of missed shows, or the possibility of
> a divorce and then the inevitible dissolution of Over the Rhine.  

Whoa, there - that's just a *leetle* bit of a logical leap there, idn

Speaking in the same vein as Rhys, being a newly married (almost 6mos)
person, sometimes you just need time together. Not
on-the-road-doin'-your-thing together, just together. My wife and I have
declined more than one engagement simply because we've been running
ourselves ragged, and need time to ourselves - even though we were
running ourselves ragged *together*.

Or, as others said, there could be other family issues like an ill
relative, etc.

At any rate, I don't think K&L are the divorcing kind.

So enjoy your time together, guys. Take a load off, talk a while, build
up the relationship (a good idea no matter where you're at), give Willow
a pat or two.

"Yeah, it's gonna be all right..."


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