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Re: oh no..


--- shieneehead@comcast.net wrote:

> have you received the sad, sad news?

The news is indeed sad, but not because of missed shows, or the possibility of
a divorce and then the inevitible dissolution of Over the Rhine.  

The news is sad to me because two people whom I know and love are hurting. 
Linford and Karin have given me great, great joy over the past ten years of my
life.  Most of that joy has come from a one-sided relationship (my perception
of the music), but I've also had the uncommon privilige of meeting them and
cultivating another more personal relatiohship.  Perhaps the music has played a
vital role in nurturing my feelings for them as human beings, but one on one,
you can't meet either of them without seeing how utterly gracious they each
are. Their burdens sadden me in a way my own family's burdens would sadden me. 
Relationships are tough.  Nothing worth having is ever easily attained, and
like their music, I see their marriage relationship as something beautiful and
fruitful.  As powerful as it is, the music is only secondary to the people who
make it.  This decision was the right one.  Relationships are vitally important
to all of us.  Let's hope (and pray) that theirs is strengthened through this.

Peace to all,


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