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RE: Rolling Stone

>  It's true the publicity from a good review
> would be nice for K&L, but I think it's sort 
> of a compliment to Ohio that it's
> been overlooked by RS.

The publicity would be better than nice. RS has a circulation of more than a million; that's a lot of eyeballs and pocketbooks, and sleazy rag or not, it'd be great for K&L. Truth to tell, there probably isn't a single major media source that ain't sleazy or lame, but I'd like to see OTR on all of 'em.  :^)



"When you're young, your potential is infinite. 
You might do anything, really. You might be 
great. You might be Einstein. You might be 
Goethe. Then you get to an age where what
you might be gives way to what you have
been. You weren't Einstein. You weren't 
anything. That's a bad moment."

                   - Charlie Kaufman

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