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Re: mailing list vs. message board?

On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 17:37, Bethany Keeley wrote:
> what I like about the list is that it arrives quick and easy in my E-
> mail. 

Yeah, that's the incentive for me.  I'm not hardcore enough to actually
go through the effort to check a website all the time, plus loading
seperate HTML pages takes a few seconds even on broadband (a lot more
annoying for people on dial-up).

>  This is also a downside, though, when I'm looking for personal 
> messages if I'm busy or if I've been gone for a while. 

Silly girl, that's what filtering is for.  All my Over the Rhine emails
automatically go into my "OTR" folder.  That way if I don't have time to
read them for a while, they can pile up without getting jumbled up in my
personal email.

Seriously, filtering is one of the geeky things that non-geeks would do
well to learn.  It's really pretty easy, and makes life much simpler.

I think some web-based mail even allows you to do this.  I wouldn't know
- I kinda dislike reading email via a web browser unless I'm "offsite",
so I pony up the $20/year to be able to download it to my email
program.  That is, until I finally get around to getting my own domain
and running my own.

> I agree with Kylie, Yahoogroups are a pain, especially with such a 
> large number of people (I run one for a group of friends though to 

Really?  What about them is a pain?  I run a few of them myself, and
find them to be relatively pain-free.  Then again, I don't really go in
for all the "extra" features like file uploads and stuff.

> friends that uses one of those to stay in touch).  They encourage 
> compulsive checking of websites, whereas checking the list is just part 
> of my compulsive E-mail checking (plus or minus? you decide).

Exactly.  The latter I do, the former I don't (with the possible
exception of Slashdot, especially on slow days).

(And as long as I'm ranting, the one persistently annoying thing about
the OtR list is the fact that it won't put the mailing list address
inthe reply-to field automatically.  If we ever figure out how to get
that done, that would be super-great.)

Troy, eagerly awaiting OHIO like everyone else so he can put it on his
new toy (http://www.neurosaudio.com/, the 20GB one)
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