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Re: Music to be born to...and other questions

hi julie,
you wont no me as ive only been around for about a month or two, maybe more, but ide just like to say congradulations on your pregnancy, i hope it all goes smooth for you. i can only help you out with one question and thats to the music, i think that if you were to chose a song from otr then "give me strength" from the cutting room floor would be a wonderfull song, specially if you listern to the words, if you just want music with no words then happy and free is also a nice song, but one song on repeat i think would be excelant is not from otr but from the fight the future sound track for the x files, song no.14 called "teotihuacan" by noel gallaghar, its such a peace full song, you might me able to find it on the net somewhere, i would lend you my copy but not sure how long it would take to get to you, im from australia.
anyway, hope that helps, and i hope you have a safe birth of what i believe you said was your daughter.

Hentz <hentz3 at attbi_com> wrote:
Hi List,

I've been lurking for the last few months...rather busy...but I must de-lurk
to ask a few questions!

#1...music to be born to...
I asked this my first time around and it was fun so I will ask again. I'm
starting work on a CD (or CDs) to play when I (finally) go into labor. The
last one was good, but I figure this new little one deserves her own CD.
What song would you want to be born to? Relative tranquility is my one
criteria...I'm not too irritable during labor but can't handle anything
jarring or overly boppy...

I know many are going, but is anyone recording? And if you are recording
OtR, would you also consider recording Miranda Stone? Good MS bootlegs are
darn hard to come by. And we have a LOT to trade, including two
newly-acquired HEM shows!!

#3...and speaking of bootlegs...
Does anyone have th! e setlist from C-Stone '98?

Many thanks...back to work,


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