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Re: Narnia books/secular

To be honest, as a child, I never knew they were "religious" books. I loved
the stories, much like I loved Madeleine L'Engle's stories, and L.M.
Montgomery's, and Frances Hodgson Burnett's. They were simply wonderful
books that transported me to a world that I felt I understood - they were my
"quiet bottle of ginger beer".

Be that as it my, that doesn't mean that the meaning isn't there.

Many people I know have no idea of the allegorical content in the Narnia
books. In fact, the only friends of mine who have any clue of this are
Christian. Not to talk down to Christians or anything, I'm just saying that
many non-Christians don't immediately pick up on the allegory, or don't even
realize it's there.

Well, not to bash Christian, as I am one of them, but many of them honestly think that if Jesus was alive today that he would drive an SUV and that there is some intention for a Teletubbie to have homosexual tendencies.  The simple fact is that most people today are media illiterate and unable to determine or even define the meaning of "symbolism" or "theme"

To re-market these books as something "new and secular" would be ridiculous
- if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Well, that hasn't stopped them before.
