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I'm new to the list...

Chris wrote:
  • and now, in just 3 weeks, i'll be attending The Recording Workshop in Chillicothe, Ohio. well on my way to a new career in something that i LOVE doing. all because of some band from Ohio. i really owe it to them for inspiring me to pursue a dream. :-)
When I read that...well actually as I was reading the whole message, it made me think of how Linford and Karin, through their music, their website, and their own lives, encourage others toward authenticity and being, and how lives really are changed by what they offer, and by what you all have to offer, as well.
I discovered OtR about a year ago.  Actually, it's kind of wierd...I'd had just the lyrics to Patience for many years--don't know how I got them or why there wasn't a CD with them...but then about a year ago, I somehow stumbled back into OtRland and was overwhelmed with how their music moved me.  Then seeing them live...well as most of you know, it is truly a memorable experience! 
Some time ago, I dipped into the e-mail archives and read a response someone had given to another someone who was commenting on Jesus' anger when he overthrew the moneychangers' tables.  I was struck with the maturity, wisdom, and kindness of the response.  I went on to read a few more and thought, "Hey, these people really have something different."  Being busy with school, work, and photography, I let the "list" simmer on my back burner.
Then about a month ago, I actually subscribed (ooooohhh, big step!).  I wanted to be a part of this little community, but I couldn't bring myself to write anything.  It makes me think of a time many years ago when I was walking along the beach and "happened" upon the most beautiful design in the sand.  The water had carved this magnificent, swirly picture, and I actually gasped when I saw it.  It was that breathtaking.  Without even thinking about it, I bent down to touch what I saw.  I wanted my fingers to experience the delight of my eyes, but as soon as I touched the sand, my fingers changed the pattern of the design.  I realized I could not feel the design with my skin, but must instead simply enjoy the looking unless I wanted to alter things (a metaphor that has impacted me on many levels since then).  This list has had somewhat of the same impact on me as that design.  The beauty of you all...the kindness, the sincerity, the creativity...I don't think I've ever come across a group of so many incredible people.  I guess I was afraid that if I wrote anything, it would somehow ruin the spell, or "shift the pattern of the sand."  But after reading Chris' comments above, I was reminded that living implies movement and action as well as observation and reflection, so...I've observed and reflected on so much of what has been written here...it is time for me to "touch the sand" and trust that the process of beauty will continue, even if the design changes.  Goodness...so here I am.  Eep.  And by the way, I nearly lost my mind when I saw a Sam Phillips quote posted...I mean I think OtR is absolutely...well indescribable (wow!)...but I've grown up with Ms. Phillips, and the thought of her being in the same sphere as OtR...well it just about put me over.  I've also discovered Sigur Ros and some other great music by peeping through your e-mails.  Dang, I jist luv you guys!
Well I've probably lost most of you by now by making this so long, but I wanted to introduce myself and let you know how blessed I've been by you all.  I look forward to posting more often, now. 
Best Wishes,