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New Career (OtR Content)

i don't post here often, but i thought that this might be relevant.
    a few years ago, i was introduced to OtR via a band here that i'm good friends with, five o'clock people. one of the first songs that i heard was Latter Days. i fell in love immediatly, and needed to find out more. i discovered this list, and bought GDBD and sunk myself into it.
    one of the things in the liner notes that really struck me was under the Recording Notes section, "The vocals, the acoustic guitars and the upright piano, along with any keyboard parts were recorded and mixed by Linford in his third story bedroom."  wow, i thought. what a beautiful idea, to take these pieces of experiences and put them to tape in the comfort of your own room. not in a squarish, boring recording studio where the pressures of time and budget are a constant reminder, but in the relaxed environment of your own home. there may be candles lit, hot tea at hand, and the cat may be purring on the sofa. a train might sound in the distance. you wouldn't be conjuring the music, you'd be living it.
    shortly after this, i discoverd the tribute CD project, and was inspired by this idea to record a track for it. and even though i had to borrow nearly all of the equipment to do it, i tried to recreate that home recording feeling, in the bedroom, with candles, and warmth. i don't know if i did, but i discovered something that i really fell in love with. i became taken with the production process. taking a song by it's simple roots, and building it up, layer by layer, into something beautiful and complete. so after that experience, i began hitting up local studio engineers, asking questions and dabbling in anything i could get my hands on from full on song tracking to doing electronic remixes.
    and now, in just 3 weeks, i'll be attending The Recording Workshop in Chillicothe, Ohio. well on my way to a new career in something that i LOVE doing. all because of some band from Ohio. i really owe it to them for inspiring me to pursue a dream. :-)