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RE: everybody say 'cheese'!

At 08:07 AM 10/23/02 -0700, you wrote:
Welcome back Kelvin!  I missed hearing you're voice on the list.  How's it going?
okay, here's some mildly obscure ones.  Considering Lilly, on their first, good, out of print album had a song called "I Don't Need a Picture"
Paul McCartney wrote "Biker Like an Icon" becuase his wife said she would really "like a nikon" and he thought it sounded cool.  The song itself isn't really about photography.

It's also not one of the high points of his solo career. :-/

Let's see, songs about photography...Filter's "Take A Picture"...ya know, the one that is a musical re-write of U2's "Bad," (they're the exact same song, trust me).  Def Leppard and Ringo Starr  and the Verve Pipe all had different songs called "Photograph," Rod Stewart's "Every Picture Tells A Story"...I know there's more, I just can't think of them right now...

-Steve C.