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locker combos (Re: Dubya causes chaos in the Heartland...)

--- Sarah Herr <sarahherr at hotmail_com> wrote:
> Speaking of which, I *do* have recurring dreams
> about high school. I always 
> am trying to open my locker and I can never remember
> my combination. Then I 
> panic because I have to go to class, but it's the
> first day and I can't remember what class I'm
supposed to go to, or which room it's in. My books 
> are in the locker that I can't open-the bell is
> about to ring. Panic!!!

i just gasped in my cubicle!  too weird.  i constantly
have that dream, but i can't remember the combination
and i'm going to miss the bus home, other times i have
the 'where the hell is my class and why can't i find
the right hallway?' dream.  sigh.  speaking of
hallways, why is it most of my secondary education
seems to be reduced to walking down them...?

not really looking for an answer,

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