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Re: Who Hears a Orton

At 02:56 PM 8/21/02 +0000, Bruce Lachey wrote:
>Did anyone else get the new Beth Orton CD?  She is awesome.  Great CD.
>If you don't know her music, it's like a cross between OtR's acoustic 
>stuff and some of the electronics on FFR, but a more organic blend of the 
>two on each song.  Great songwriting.

My roommate has it...I haven't really had a chance to fully digest the new 
one yet.  It's a lot more full sounding than "Central Reservation" but I 
dont think the songs are quite as good, but there are some real gems on 
this album.  Although the one time I heard it all the way through, it was 
on a long drive, sandwiched between Nine Inch Nails' "The Fragile" and the 
Jam's "Setting Sons," so I might not have been really prepared for 
it.  When I give it more of a listen I'll post something about it...

>Oh, and JB, Eminem's CDs are great.

OK, I'm kind of cranky right now because I got up to go to work and found 
out I didn't have to go today.  But...Eminem is a talentless waste of human 
flesh.  OK, sorry had to get that out.

-Steve C.

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