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I'm spacing right now, so I don't know if I've mentioned LiveJournal
before...so I'm doing it now!  Follow along kiddies!

Okay, is everyone familiar with online journals/blogs?  If not, it's
a way for a person to have a very personal place online where he or
she can record all the mundane and not-so-mundane deatails of
day-to-day life, along with any other things the author wishes.

Now, as far as these services go, LiveJournal is my favorite.  Come
and see, you'll understand.  It's fun.  You can write things and
pretend that other people care.  You can be a voyeur into thousands
of lives...or you can just catch up with freinds.

If you want to see one potential use of LJ, mine is at (
http://dethbunny.livejournal.com ) and available for perusal.  If
that's not enough persuasion, there are 121 people on LJ that list
Over the Rhine as an interest.  Can 121 OtR fans be wrong?  I think

Anyhow, come, look around, have fun.  If you decide you want a
journal, go to the main site ( http://www.livejournal.com ) and click
"Create a Journal" on the left.  You'll need an invite code, but I
have dozens of those.  In fact, here's a short list.  If one's been
used by another listee, continue on down the line.  I'll send more
out as requested/needed.


-Smitty the Mad Journaller
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