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RE: public service announcement

Title: RE: public service announcement

>What do we, broken people all, saved by grace, have to
>be *angry*
>about with another persons sin?  Love 'em, help 'em, pray for
>'em, even
>criticize 'em when we think we're seeing straight enough to do
>that, but
>anger....Let's be angry at our own sin..

A wise man once told me that the definition of sin is something someone else does that you do not.

While I don't smoke, if I was able to confess that my only sin was smoking.  I would consider myself a very holy man. 

One of my observations in life has been that the "sins" that we are readily able to see in one's life are usually sins that are very "damning".  It is usually the sins we don't see that are the ones that work to hinder our relationship with God.